Friday, 23 November 2012

Working together

What a rocking November. I've met so many lovely people and dogs and taught great workshops and demos. My last demo for the year is tomorrow then it’s winding down for Christmas and a nice long break with my family. The past month has reminded me that by working in a multidisciplinary team you can achieve some amazing changes in the animals we see. I've never been afraid to refer animals to other people if I feel it’s in their best interests. When owners embrace this and practitioners work together we make each of our disciplines stronger. We also greatly improve the life of that animal, which is why we do what we do right? I see so many dogs who, although will improve with Tellington TTouch Training; also need some thing I can’t give them. Working closely with homoeopathic vets, chiropractors, osteopaths, healers, physiotherapists, hydro-therapists  reward based trainers & forward thinking behaviourists, to name but a few, is a delight especially when we all liaise about the animal and work in the same direction. Over the years I have found like minded, professional, caring people in so many of these areas. It’s a joy to work with them and heart warming to see the look on the owners faces when their beloved pet improves. All the people I work are compassionate and empathic.  Thank you at each and every one of you for being who you are and doing what you do so well.

In amongst the busy teaching schedule I managed to fit in Discover Dogs this year too. Matt & Alex who run Xtra Dog are so supportive of Tellington TTouch and my book. They arranged for me to do book signings all weekend and we all but sold out of the stock they had. A busy but fun weekend and the team managed to talk to loads of people about TTouch as well as getting lots of dogs in harnesses – always a bonus.

If you have been on the books facebook page you would have seen the photos from the TTouch & Hydrotherapy weekend at Hawksmoor. What a fab weekend that was. They have an under water camera in their pool. It was so interesting the difference we could observe in how the dogs moved after some body work or just by applying a leg wrap. The Hawksmoor girls are hooked and the dogs a dream to work with. If you missed it, we’ll be repeating the weekend next year so keep your eye out for that one.

In case I don’t get around to updating before Christmas, have a brilliant Christmas and a happy New Year everyone – take care of your pets over the holiday period. I have a feeling 2013 is going to be even bigger and better than 2012 has been.

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