Friday, 18 January 2013

Let it snow, let snow let it snow.

It’s snowing; everyone is obviously home and internet showing or on Facebook as my connection is really slow so hence time to write a blog. Normally December and January are quiet times for me; it’s the only time I get the house work done regularly however this year it is really busy. I’ve been continuing to promote my book The Truth about Wolves & Dogs, really heavily with lots of radio and internet interviews. Is has been get fun as I love this type of thing. Look out for my latest interview on Dogcast Radio at the end of January 2013. I’ve been working really hard over Christmas on writing treatments, that’s a script to you and me but in the film world they are called treatments. These are for a series of short video clips for Youtube etc. which will promote the book and hopefully build an audience to show major TV networks that it would do well as a TV programme. I’ve been working with MWS Media in Newbury who are fab. I meet Ben years ago when I was working at the UK Wolf Conservation Trust when he filmed the wolves. Fingers crossed on the TV deal. Ben and I have loads more ideas for another series if we can pull this one off. Even if it doesn’t happen I’ll end up with four lovely clips to promote the book and my work, very exciting.
Alongside the PR I’ve had clients to see, this week as been filled with German Shepherds, a breed I fell in love with when working for Guide Dogs years ago. This breed really does need a special owner and all three GSDs I saw this week have really fallen on their paws. It is so easy for GSDs to end up in rescue as they are a challenging breed as youngsters. They need so much socialisation and can run into trouble so quickly once the hormones and second fear period kicks in. Of course being big and powerful only heightens the problem and they need specialist handling and care. Not a breed for the un-committed.

I’ve been preparing for workshops, talks and demos which will happen later on in the spring. I’ll be off to Rutland soon to give a talk for Royal Canin, weather permitting, then workshops and seminars. Check out my website for details Then it will be show season and All about Dogs Show in Newbury, Highclere Game Show and the Kent County Show, all in conjunction with Xtra Dog, which is always a pleasure working with Matt and Alex.

As well as writing, seeing clients and running workshops, between March and July I teach kids about farming and the environment for the John Symonds Trust. Lambing is only six weeks away. It is my favourite time of year at Rushall Organic Farm where the Charity is based. I get to help about 1300 lambs be born and it’s really magical. Of course being vegetarian I have to firmly put why they are born out of my mind. Every year I get attached to the orphans and every year the farm staff lie to me about what happens to them!

Looking forward, its going to be another jam packed year that might even top 2012. I’m definitely up for the challenge.

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